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How to archive your novel, codex entries, chats, and snippets

Updated over 6 months ago

If you want to keep your projects/codex entries etc, but do not wish to see them in your Novelcrafter interface, then you will want to use our new archiving feature.

Archiving Novels

To archive your novel:

  1. Open your novel

  2. Go to the novel settings via the cog icon in the top left of the interface

  3. In the meta data, go to the 'danger zone'

  4. Select 'archive novel'.

To restore your novel

  1. Go to the homepage

  2. On the search/filter, select 'is archived'

  3. Find the novel you wish to store and enter it

  4. Go to the novel settings via the cog icon in the top left of the interface

  5. In the meta data, go to the 'danger zone'

  6. Select 'restore novel'.

Archiving Codex Entries

To archive a codex entry:

  1. Open your codex entry

  2. Open the actions menu (three dots)

  3. Select 'archive entry'

Your codex entry will immediately be archived, so you will see it 'disappear' from the interface.

To restore a codex entry:

  1. In the codex, go to the filters tab next to the search bar

  2. Select 'is archived'

  3. Open your codex entry

  4. Open the actions menu (three dots)

  5. Select 'restore entry'

Archiving Snippets/Chats

Akin to codex entries, you can archive snippets and chats from the side bar.

  1. Select your snippet/chat

  2. Go to the actions menu (three dots)

  3. Select 'archive thread/snippet'.

This can also be done from the chat interface, where the actions menu can be found in the top right of the interface.

To restore a snippet/chat:

  1. In the snippets/chats sidebar, go to the filters tab next to the search bar

  2. Select 'is archived'

  3. Open your snippet/chat entry

  4. Open the actions menu (three dots)

  5. Select 'restore thread/snippet'

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